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    Project 365 | January 13, 2013

    Sunday, January 13, 2013

    Project 365 has been a wonderful experience so far. I have already learned so much, pushing myself to do things I wouldn't normally do, such as shooting at super high ISO's, shooting in the dark, and trying out new angles! I am in love with my pictures so far, and however imperfect they may be, they are adding up to tell the story of our days, and I am so grateful for that. I already see things in a new light, and I can't wait to continue growing as a mother and photographer through this process :). I got a little teary-eyed looking through my images tonight, and I am only thirteen days into the project, haha!! I know the real obstacle will be trying to keep up my enthusiasm as time goes on, but hopefully I will continue to be inspired most days :). Today was a wonderful Sunday...church with my family, lunch at home, brief playtime outside before the rain came, and then lots of snuggles during the thunderstorm that came this evening. I captured SO many photos today, and I couldn't bear to share just one! I love them all a ton ;). I let my husband choose the actual project photo for today, and although it was MY second choice, I loved that he loved it so much! My family is so excited every evening to see what the "photo of the day" will be!

    This was my husband's absolute FAVORITE picture from today...he loves it :). We had a few moments after church before the rain came to PLAY outside. It was so warm outside, and the girls really needed this little bit of fresh air, after being cooped up so much lately. We are so tired of these rainy, dreary days. I am craving sunshine!!!

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    Lydia took full advantage of her outdoor playtime, hehe. She rode her scooter, jumped on her pogo stick, and ran through the yard :). This girl cracks me up when she is on the pogo stick...I wish that you could all see how high she is actually jumping...it is kinda scary!!

    I set up Lydia's teepee this afternoon, and I found the girls playing inside, reading each other books and making up secret hand-shakes ;). Who knew Addie could do "knuckles"? Haha!!

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    This evening was filled with rain and thunderstorms. My absolute favorite sound is pouring rain and thunder, and now my girls love it too. Every time there is a rainstorm, we snuggle up by the open door, cuddled under blankets, and watch the rain. It is one of my most favorite things :). Now when it starts raining, my girls both dash for the door with their pillows and blankets!

    So, this was January 13, 2013, in words and photos :). I will be posting more from previous days soon...I have so many photos that I want to share!!!

    Big hugs,

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